정정_고요하고 깊은 확장_전시평론_안현정Static(靜)halt(停), tranquil and profound expansion_Ahn Hyun-jung
Catalog: Artworks 2022-2015
Catalog pdf download
흔적의 흔적 Trace of a Trace
Trace of a Trace_Press Rease, by Kait Lim
텅 빈 충만 Empty Fullness
얼룩과 흔적, 시간의 화석과 존재의 희미한 그림자,
고충환Lee Jin-Young’ s Photography Installation work:
Stains and traces: hazy shadows of time and its fossilization Kho Chung-Hwan, art critic
Lee Jin Young’s Ambrotypes: Art and the Fullness of Experience Kate Lim
“바람이 알려준 것들”: 감각의 완성과 예술_ 케이트 림
Memory of the Breeze_Catalog_pdf download
On Lee Jin-young’s Work By Seo Jin-seok, Alternative Space Loop Director
이진영의 작업에 관하여- 서진석 (대안공간루프 디렉터)
이진영 ‘사진매체를-넘어서는-필연적-이미지오브제’ by 하마
Inevitable Image-Object that Transcends the Medium of Photography by Hama
유령이 된 사진 – 이진영, by 하재용
‘The image of the latent landscape’ Kim EunJeong
이진영의 ‘잠재된 풍경의 심상’ by 김은정
The Exhibition of The passage of time, review 2011
아르코미술관 전문가워크숍 2011
이선영 미술평론
Catalog: OHNE ENDE
Art Crtic by Deborah.Buergel
Medienmestizen Special exhibition at Art Cologne, Germany 2005Text of Bronz of Serclaes
Expanded Arts Catalog 2005